Family Law - Emile Kouamé Solicitor, Commissioner of Oaths . Company

Criminal Law

Our solicitors can and will help you if you are accused or suspected of a crime. Providing expert representation at interviews under caution for criminal investigation by the police, with particular expertise in road traffic matters.

No previous convictions?
Then our solicitors can offer you a high-quality bespoke service and provide personally tailored service and work to get cases dropped before they reach court.

Representation at Interviews under caution
We also can offer private representation at interviews under caution at police stations. Representation can be provided at short notice for individuals who find themselves under investigation by the police. Please note, this service is available at no cost from the duty Solicitor or Solicitors’ firms who hold a Criminal Contract with the Legal Aid Agency.

Motoring and/or traffic offences
Should you find yourself in a position where your driving licence is at risk, then we offer sympathetic and non-judgmental advice with the aim of keeping you on the road. Should that not be feasible, we will tell you from the outset.

Single Justice Procedure Notice
Should you receive a Single Justice Procedure Notice and wish to plead guilty, we can deal with this for you, take your instructions, advise you on your proposed plea and draft a letter in mitigation which would avoid the necessity of you physically attending Court in most cases.